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Steen-Hansen has over the years made significant investments in product development. We are determined to be in front with the best solutions for our customers and the aquaculture industry, i.e. both for the fish farmers economy, fish welfare and the environment. 

Product stewardship

We have implemented «Product Stewardship» as our guiding light when we develop new technology. That means that we need to have a holistic approach throughout the products life cycle; In our production, on application, in the sea and as residue our products shall be safe, recyclable and have good effect.  

That is why we use recycled copper, organic biodegradable biocides and we have invested in a return scheme for IBC's.

An acceptable ecological foot print

- reduce copper emissions

Steen-Hansen has a tight cooperation with fish farmers, net manufacturers and, net lofts; RISE, IMR, Norce Research, University of Bergen, Sintef and Janssen PMP is some examples of external research environment which contributes to the future of anti-fouling and net protection together with us.

We lead the race for a better and more organic degradable biocides. Always within the tolerances for what is safe for humans, fish health and the environment

We have implemented the UN sustainability goals in our strategy and identified specific actions to reach those goals. 

Aquaculture Net
Aquaculture Net
Aquaculture Net
Aquaculture Net

+47 55116260

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